
The Community Partner Foundation has made all reasonable efforts to ensure that the contents of this website are true and accurate in all material respects. The Community Partner Foundation shall not be liable for any loss or damage howsoever arising in connection with the content of the website. We do not guarantee that the website will be error-free, omission-free, uninterrupted or without delay. Whilst we make all reasonable attempts to exclude viruses from the website, we cannot guarantee that the website will be virus free and accept no liability in the unlikely event that the website is not virus free. Users are recommended to take appropriate safeguards before downloading content from this website. The website contains hypertext links to third party websites. We cannot provide any warranty (express or implied) as to the accuracy or source of information contained on these websites. Hypertext links from the Community Partner Foundation website to third party websites do not constitute any endorsement of these third party organisations.

Privacy Policy

This site is managed and provided by The Community Partner Foundation. This statement applies only to The Community Partner Foundation at www.cpfhk.org. The Community Partner Foundation is committed to provision of a safe and secure website. This privacy policy aims to tell you what information we may gather about you when you use this website and how we use that information.

Accessing information

You can access information on this website without having to provide any personal details. The Community Partner Foundation monitors the numbers of visitors to this website, which simply tells us how many people access this service. Information about the number of visitors is completely anonymous and therefore it does not include any personally identifiable information.

Information we collect

Information will only be collected by The Community Partner Foundation when you knowingly provide this.

How we use this information

If you have applied for charitable funding The Community Partner Foundation will use your information to evaluate your application. Where stated, The Community Partner Foundation may use this personal information to contact you in the future about funding or volunteering opportunities, forthcoming events, newsletters or new initiatives. The Community Partner Foundation will not disclose personal details to a third party for use other than specified. Any comments, complaints, changes or corrections to the personal information submitted by people who have registered with the website can be made by contacting the Website Content Manager via the Contact us page.

Third party sites

The Community Partner Foundation website contains links to other websites. Other sites may link to The Community Partner Foundation, but in no way does this indicate our endorsement of those sites or their content. We encourage all visitors to read the privacy statements of each website that collects personal information.


No part of this website, including information, images, logos, photos, or overall appearance of the site, may be copied, republished, broadcast or reproduced in any form without the prior written permission of The Community Partner Foundation.


Whilst all reasonable efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of content, The Community Partner Foundation will not be deemed responsible for any error or omission.

Limitation of Liability

Use of this website and the information is entirely at the user’s sole risk. In no event will The Community Partner Foundation be liable for any damages whatsoever arising out of or related to this website. This website and the information are provided on an ‘as is’ basis, with no warranties of any kind whatsoever for a particular purpose. The Community Partner Foundation does not guarantee that access to this website will be un-interrupted, free from viruses or that this website cannot be tampered with by third parties.