In the last year, we have sponsored teams of choirs and provided venues for the Carol Singing Festival 2012 to take place. Carol Singing Festival 2012 was hosted by Child Development Matching Fund (CDMF) and aimed to collect funding by carol singing for teenage. The festival was incredibility successful and we are going to be one of the sponsors again this year.


We have contacted with different choirs or organizations, and some of them would be sponsored by us to participant in the festival this year, including, Harvest Joy Group, HKSKH Lady MarcLehose Centre and the Neighborhood Advice-Action Council. Despite from the sponsorship, we will also provide place for the choirs. The choirs mentioned before will have a performance at the lobby of M88, while other would mainly take place in Central.


We are delighted to support this program again and we are looking forward to the Carol Singing Festival this year. For more information, please feel free to launch the official website of CDMF