The Harvard Business School Scholarships – “Strategic Perspectives in Nonprofit Management”
Harvard Business School Association of Hong Kong
July 2015, July 2016
Leaders of local nonprofit organisations
To help leaders of local nonprofit organisations with limited resources cope with broadening demands for services and changing operating environments, the Harvard Business School Association of Hong Kong offers such individuals scholarships to attend the annual week-long “Strategic Perspectives in Nonprofit Management” summer residential programme at Harvard Business School in Boston, USA.
CPF sponsored two scholarships to awardees from Feeding Hong Kong and SKH St John’s Cathedral in 2015 and another awardee from Asian Charity Services in 2016.
Project Feedback
I wish to thank CPF for generously sponsoring me to attend the SPNM program at Harvard Business School in July 2016. The professors who taught the course and facilitated the very eclectic case studies are absolutely brilliant in their fields, and I found the course a great learning experience. It was also very inspiring to meet and share experiences for a week with 160 other NGO leaders from around the world. This course has provided fresh strategic perspectives which I can apply to the work of Asian Charity Services to serve the NGO community in Hong Kong more effectively in the future.
John Louie
Executive Director
Asian Charity Services
I am most grateful to the Community Partner Foundation for the financial sponsorship, which facilitated my attendance at the Strategic Perspectives in Non-profit Management Program at the Harvard Business School in July 2015. It was a privilege to be educated by world-class professors and mingled with management elites from a wide range of non-profit organizations representing numerous different countries. The course emphasized the importance of being mission-driven and impact-oriented for our work. We also learned about how to maintain a unique operating culture for non-profit organizations while building capacity. Upon returning from the course, I have led the drafting of a mission statement for St John’s Cathedral and a comprehensive review of our community social services. Both of these projects will have a lasting impact on what we do and how we serve the community. Many thanks go to the Community Partner Foundation, for your vision and support in providing me the opportunity for such a rewarding professional development.
The Very Reverend Matthias C. Der
Dean, St John’s Cathedral, Hong Kong