Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui

Commencement date: 
October 2013

Target group:
Students of Sheng Kung Hui secondary schools

Community Partner Foundation (CPF) supports an annual evangelist event, named Mrs Mok Hing Yiu Gospel Rally, which proclaims the Gospel using examples students in Hong Kong can relate to. The rally also provides new opportunities for youth to learn about Christianity. The Dioceses of Western Kowloon, Eastern Kowloon and Hong Kong Island of Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui commission the project, aiming to spark interest in the Church’s mission in Hong Kong.

Mrs Mok Hing Yiu Gospel Rally 1
Mrs Mok Hing Yiu Gospel Rally 2
Mrs Mok Hing Yiu Gospel Rally 3

Project Feedback on Mrs Mok Hing Yiu Gospel Rally 2014

The Great Commandments by our Lord Jesus Christ requested us all to preach His gospel and proclaim His Kingdom till the end of the world. Thank God for using the Holy Trinity Cathedral in coordinating with CPF to organize the Mrs Mok Hing Yiu Gospel Rally on Friday 16th May, 2014. Heavy downpour could not stop us from the enthusiasm to preach His gospel. And gratitude must be conveyed to Mr Amos Poon and the Revd Vincent Chan who gave a lively witness and a well-delivered sermon in the rally respectively. For sure the boys and girls from Diocesan Boys’ School, Heep Yunn School, Bishop Hall Jubilee School and Holy Trinity Secondary School were all benefited from attending this gathering about the truth of God in the historical and renowned school hall of DBS. My heartfelt thanksgiving must also be expressed to Mrs Mok Hing Yiu and her family to attend and support this meaningful event. May the good Lord bless you and keep you!

By The Revd Chan
Holy Trinity Cathedral