Project BLESS helps survivors of suicide loss to cope with loss of their loved ones.
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Project BLESS helps survivors of suicide loss to cope with loss of their loved ones.
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Cooperating with St. James’ Settlement, CPF has sponsored the employment of a second full-time social worker at St. Paul’s Co-educational College (SPCC) since March 2013.
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Collaborating with FoFo by el Willy, Community Partner Foundation organized two Spanish Fiestas for students in SKH St. Mary’s Church Mok Hing Hiu College and Heep Yunn School on 26 and 27 June 2014 respectively.
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CPF supports an annual evangelist event, named Mrs Mok Hing Yiu Gospel Rally, that proclaims the Gospel using examples students in Hong Kong can relate to.
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CPF supported the "心意行動『大齋期』愛心行善運動" which gives short term relieves such as food, rehabilitation service, emergency cash, etc. to those in need.
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Senior members of St. Stephen’s Church, St. Luke’s Church and St. Timothy’s Church can seek assistance from the part-time social worker funded by CPF and stationed at St. Stephen’s Church.
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Run by the St James’ Settlement, the S.P.A. Project is a depression-relapse prevention programme for women in Tin Shui Wai.
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Distinguished international theologian Professor Miroslav Volf from Yale University delivered a lecture on “Culture of Respect: Following Christ in a Diverse World”.
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