The Mrs Mok Hing Yiu Lecture is an annual series of lectures sponsored by CPF under Mrs Rita Mok’s name and organised by the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui subsidiaries.
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The Mrs Mok Hing Yiu Lecture is an annual series of lectures sponsored by CPF under Mrs Rita Mok’s name and organised by the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui subsidiaries.
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6天的行程,我們走訪了8個群體及教會,接觸了800多位泰國朋友,我們有4位弟兄姊妹見證分享,上演了3 齣戲劇,辦了2個嘉年華會,刷了1面外牆。行程緊密,希望用盡每分每秒,將歡樂、知識、技能並基督的愛帶給他們。
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In collaboration with the Rachel Club of St James’ Settlement, the SKH St James’ Church Sunday School let nursery and kindergarten children learn about Biblical stories through creative activities.
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CPF sponsored two scholarships to awardees from Feeding Hong Kong and SKH St John’s Cathedral in 2015 and another awardee from Asian Charity Services in 2016.
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In 2014, CPF undertook to sponsor a total of 100 students who participate in the Child Development Fund (CPF) programme.
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CPF invited Mr Eric Liang and volunteers from Espuma to organize $10 meal classes for 20 students from Heep Yunn School on 30 June 2016 and for 20 students from St Stephen’s Church College on 7 July 2016.
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